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After the mystery of the 618, how do consumers buy buy buy?

Published Date :2022-06-21

In the first half of 2022, Omicron attacked Shanghai, Beijing and other major cities across the country, and the consumer market suffered a sudden cold rain, and the pressure on consumer formats was obvious。On June 15, the National Bureau of Statistics released a number of indicators of the national economy in May, showing that the total retail sales of social consumer goods in May was 3,354.7 billion yuan, down 6.7%。However, with the control and stabilization of the Omicron epidemic across the country in June, brands and major businesses are rubbing their hands and struggling to fight 618, vowing to regain the trend of being engulfed by the epidemic。So in the face of such a shopping extravaganza, how will consumers spend?After the pandemic, consumers will go on a shopping spree or tighten their purse strings? Will urban consumers who have been abused by Omicron open the mode of "stocking up"?Still adhere to the concept of "rational shopping"?On the eve of 618, 菲律宾十大彩票平台 conducted an instant survey of consumers' shopping intentions in many places across the country. Let's listen to the freshest voice of consumers。

Has the epidemic triggered a "hoarding tide"?

When an epidemic occurs, consumers' subjective cognition of the epidemic affects their consumption attitude。According to the survey,When consumers think that the epidemic is extremely serious, the popular concept of "separation" will be abandoned and the decision to "stock up" will be made instead。"Hoarding" is considered by consumers to be a preventive behavior, which can increase the sense of control over the future and obtain a sense of security。It can be said that the epidemic has given consumers a reason to go on a shopping spree。

Of course, the stock is mainly concentrated in food and daily necessities and other just-needed goods。Survey findingConsumers who "frantically stock up" due to the epidemic accounted for only 15%, which is still a relatively small minority。When consumers judged that the epidemic was not extremely serious, their consumption attitude was not significantly different from that of the non-epidemic state。58% of consumers still firmly adhere to the "rational shopping" consumption conceptOf these, 34% are determined to "tighten their belts" to reduce unnecessary spending。

In terms of consumption attitude, different generations of people have reflected diversified consumption views。其中,"Rationality" is the mainstream consumption concept of the three generations of peopleA quarter of the people firmly "break away, buy when needed", and about one-third of the people decided to "tighten their belts and shop rationally".。

然而In the attitude of "stocking up" and "carpe diem", there are characteristics between generations

The most active "stockpiling" is Generation YGeneration Y, who are 30 years old and young, hope to gain more control over life through "stocking up"。Gen X is the least concerned about "stocking up", with only 8% of X people having a stocking up plan。

The idea of "carpe diem" is most deeply ingrained in Gen Z32% of Generation Z people hold the consumption concept of "carpe diem, buy when you want", reflecting the characteristics of "consumption pleasure" on Generation Z。

Most remain optimistic about the future

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the international environment has become more complex and severe, and China's economic recovery still faces many difficult and challenging circumstances。但76% of consumers are still positive about the futureIt also shows consistency across different generations of consumers。Long-term positive for the consumer market。

But at the same time, the novel coronavirus epidemic has objectively made some consumers confused about the future。The survey shows that with the increase in the severity of the epidemic, more consumers are confused about the future。因此The good control of the epidemic has a very important role in boosting consumer confidence

Next, let's take a look at how consumers plan to buy this year and in the next six months。

The mid-year promotion is a good time for consumers to regularly purchase FMCG and replace consumable products

With or without an outbreak,Personal care products, cleaning products, clothing and footwearThese three categories are firmly in the top three most needed products in addition to food, wine and epidemic prevention supplies。56%, 57%, 84% of consumers said,Regular purchase of personal care products, cleaning supplies, clothing and footwear is already a habit of life。The discount in the middle of the year is undoubtedly an important time point for consumers to regularly purchase necessities of life。

Reasons for buying some categories of consumers

Compared with the "regular purchase" of FMCG during the mid-year promotion, consumers of durable consumer goods also like to upgrade their products for themselves and their families during this period。Among them, due to the actual situation of online classes and home office during the epidemic, consumer demand for computers has been generated, accounting for nearly a quarter of the total number of consumers planning to buy digital products。In the household appliances category, affected by the epidemic in some cities, consumers' purchase demand for refrigerators and freezers topped the list, accounting for 42% of household appliances consumers。This also shows that the aforementioned consumption needs to involve a larger scope。

Reasons for buying digital products and household appliances

In the middle of the year, e-commerce is still the first choice, and Generation Z likes convenience stores

When choosing a purchase channel for an item on your shopping list,80% of consumers will first turn their eyes to the e-commerce platform"No need to go out, delivery home"We choose the e-commerce platformThe main reason"Online is cheaper than offline and has a price advantage" also attracts 58% of consumers to choose e-commerce platforms。

Consumers of different ages have certain choices in purchasing channels共性Whether it is the mainstay Generation X, the thirtysomething Generation Y, or the new human Generation Z,E-commerce platforms are preferred。Next are supermarkets and shopping malls

但在Generation ZOn the body, we seeObviously different from the channel preference of the previous two generations - convenience stores。Convenience stores with "close proximity", "24 hours", "convenient", "high quality", "meet the daily needs of single people" advantages to win the favor of generation Z。

Shopping is most dependent on their own experience, but with the exception of baby and baby products

With the development of "we media" such as Little Red Books, public accounts, and Douyin, opinion leaders are exerting increasing influence on consumers。In fact, consumers still rely most on their own experience when making shopping decisions for most consumer goods。When they lack experience, they trust the recommendations of people around them most, and they collect information guides with the help of platforms such as Douyin, Zhihu and XiaoHongshu to assist in purchasing decisions。Maternal and infant categoriesAmong the consumers of maternal and infant products, the recommendation of friends or acquaintances accounts for the highest proportion (68%), followed by personal experience (57%), Xiaored Book and other platforms (36%), and Internet celebrity recommendation (32%). 。

In some categories, consumers collect information about their favorite items

Although consumers of different ages show that "own experience" and "acquaintance recommendation" have the dominant influence on shopping decisions。But other information channels show different appeal to the three different age groups of consumers。

Gen X prefer to get first-hand product and event information from mall platforms and merchants。

Generation Z is relatively most influenced by the Internet celebrity masters, Tiktok small red book and other we-media。

Gen Y tends to gather product information from various online and offline platforms in a comprehensive manner。

Consumers plan to buy more to meet short-term needs within three months

Under the influence of the mainstream consumption concept of "rational shopping", the amount of consumers plan to buy is mainly to meet the short-term use needs of 1-3 months。This is true across all three generations。


Up to now, this year's mid-year promotion has come to an end。For consumers, the mid-year promotion is an important time node for regular procurement of desired items。Consumers have clear consumption goals for the next six months, including 618, and rational consumption preferences, and they will act when they should。Some time ago, the media and some industry insiders on the "coldest 618 in history" some remarks will not happen under the comprehensive effect of unprecedented hot promotion of merchants and platforms, rigid consumer demand and inherent consumption tendency。

The impact of the epidemic on the vast majority of consumers is limited, and everyone is still optimistic about the future, believing that each year is better than the last。For some consumers in high-risk areas of the epidemic, the epidemic has affected their cognition of the future, and they will experience a confused time, and they will use "hoarding" in shopping to gain a sense of security and a sense of control over the future。However, with the improvement of the Omicron epidemic in various places, "passionate hoarding" will eventually become the past tense that remains in people's memory, and consumers' more optimistic attitude and rational consumption concept will gradually dominate the consumption trend in the second half of the year or even longer。

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